Campaign Launch!

Bryce Goldstein (center) rides with a group of supporters as part of her campaign launch event on Saturday June 1, 2024 

Bryce Announces Her Campaign for Chico City Council 2024 District 7

Bryce formally announced her candidacy for Chico City Council District 7 on Saturday June 1.

“I am thrilled to feel the growing support from my District 7 neighbors,” says Bryce. “This campaign is about working together as a community to elevate and address our needs for safe streets, housing, and sustainable city planning so that every member of our community has what they need to thrive.”

Bryce is intent on bringing joy and transparency into local government. “I decided to host my launch party at businesses that also function as music venues because progressive change begins over a coffee or beer with friends, at a punk show, or at a town hall—not on the dais,” Bryce says regarding her campaign launch party that took place on June 1st. The launch party began with a meet & greet at Duffy’s Tavern across from City Hall, then featured a group bike ride to a volunteer sign-up event on Park Avenue with live music, a speech by Bryce, and activities like button-making and writing post-it notes responding to the prompt of “what do you want to see in Chico?”.

Bryce wants to help change our City’s policies and budget to create better streets and transit, pleasant and safe public spaces, a healthy urban forest, and thriving local businesses, while continuing her commitment to keeping renters in their homes, building more affordable housing, and creating effective shelter solutions to help solve our housing crisis. Bryce is an advocate and community servant, and she’s ready to represent her District 7 neighbors on Council!


Run for Something Endorses Bryce