If you aren’t having fun, you’re probably doing it wrong.
— Bill "Guillermo" Mash, Late Host of Imagining Community, KZFR

Hello! I’m Bryce Goldstein, and I am running to represent Chico City Council District 7.

By day, I work as a Transportation Planner, managing statewide efforts to improve transit, rail, walking, bicycling, and more. For the last 5 years, I have served as a City of Chico Commissioner, formerly on the Planning Commission and currently as a Climate Action Commissioner. In my role as a Commissioner, I have consistently voted for affordable housing and walkable communities.

For five years I served on the Butte Environmental Council Board of Directors, where I helped steer the organization and planned events and educational forums. I’ve been involved in the Chico music scene for a decade, playing in several local bands ranging from folk to garage punk. I also co-hosted the KZFR Peace & Social Justice Show, interviewing guests about issues from Chico to Gaza.

I love Chico for its parks and urban forest, lively local music scene, and sense of community. I envision a community where all the things we love about Chico are preserved for future generations. I will work toward a vision of a Chico where everybody can afford to live, where kids can bike to school safely, where everybody can access fresh groceries without having to own a car, and where our trees, parks, and creeks are protected.

I’m excited to bring together both my professional experience in transportation, land use, and environmental advocacy, and my deep love of Chico to solve our City’s affordable housing crisis, fix our crumbling roads, and preserve our beloved City of Trees. My late friend Guillermo Mash told me “if you aren’t having fun, you’re probably doing it wrong”. I pledge to bring more whimsy and joy to our community by supporting local music and art, beautifying our roads and neighborhoods, and doing my best to make local politics engaging and fun. I hope I can count on your vote this November, so we can start to work together toward a more affordable, accessible, and well-connected Chico.


Bryce Goldstein

Awards and Recognitions

  • Chico News & Review Local Heroes 2021

  • Chico News & Review, “Whom to Watch”, 2017.