Party for the People: Variety show fundraiser in support of Chico’s progressive candidates

Party for the People: Variety show fundraiser in support of Chico’s progressive candidates

Calling all Chico progressives! Join us for a variety show fundraiser to support the local candidates for Chico City Council and Chico Unified School District school board.

Progressive campaigns need your support to FLIP the Chico City Council and win school board seats!

Sunday Sept. 8
Chico Women's Club
592 E 3rd St

Live music and performances—BLACK FONG headlines!
No-host bar
Hear from the candidates

Supporting the campaigns of:

Monica McDaniel (D3)
Bryce Goldstein (D7)
Katie Hawley (D5)
Mike Johnson (D1)
Gayle Olsen (CUSD Trustee Area 2)
Teisha Hase (CUSDTrustee Area 3)

Admission is FREE but please bring donations for the candidates, and please consider donating to multiple candidates! Perhaps bring a $20 for each of the candidates you wish to support—we'll help with the required donation forms :)

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Canvassing Training: Learn how to knock doors for Bryce

Canvassing Training: Learn how to knock doors for Bryce

Knocking doors and talking to voters about how we plan to solve the issues facing our community is essential to our grassroots movement. Can you help us by talking to your neighbors? Come to this training to learn how to “canvass.”

We’ll go over door-knocking basics, scripts and specific questions to ask, and how we’ll use the PDI Mobile app to track interactions with voters.

Wed. August 7
1710 Park Ave.

Please RSVP by emailing or texting the campaign at ‪(530) 330-5365.‬

You can get a head start by downloading the PDI Mobile app for iOS and Android.

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Campaign Launch and Volunteer Sign-up Party!

Campaign Launch and Volunteer Sign-up Party!

We’re kicking off our campaign with a few of Bryce’s favorite things! 

Join us for a leisurely group bike ride from Downtown to District 7, ending with a volunteer sign-up party featuring snacks, activities and live music from our friends Ashiah and Henry Bird.

Feel free to attend for any part of the event!


Saturday, June 1

4:00pm—Gather at Duffy’s (337 Main St.) to meet the candidate and chat with other supporters

5:00pm—Assemble with bikes at The Hands sculpture at City Hall

5:15pm—Depart on bikes for District 7 and the Barber Neighborhood

6:00pm-8:00pm—Volunteer sign-up party at 1710 Park Ave. (corner of Park Ave. and W 17th Street)

Can’t attend the event? You can still get involved! Make a donation or sign up to volunteer at

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