Bryce Goldstein walking her bike down the street

Chico needs better streets, affordable housing, and representatives who care.

Bryce Goldstein is running to represent the people of Chico. She is an environmentalist, transportation planner, Climate Action Commissioner, musician, and renter.

Bryce Goldstein is running for Chico City Council because…

Our streets are falling apart and our urban forest is in danger. Skyrocketing rents are threatening the fabric of our community by pushing out families, service workers, and artists. For too long, our City Council hasn’t given a damn about us.

We can change that this November. 

We’re part of a movement.

Chico voters showed up in force in the March primary to stop the massive and environmentally destructive Valley’s Edge sprawl development, overturning a 6-1 council decision and making it clear that we demand better. Let’s keep this momentum going! Let’s vote to keep renters in their homes, build more affordable housing, and create shelter solutions. Let’s vote to fund safer, more pleasant streets with bikeways, trees, and good transit. Let’s vote to incentivize smart growth instead of sprawl.

Let’s work together to make it happen.